traffic education
Street-Points - digital scavenger hunt
Innovative walking and movement game to revitalize cities and communities and reduce the need for parents to be used as taxis.
System solutions:
The portal is a platform for managing the digital scavenger hunt. The portal together with our Street-Points gateways, which are equipped with a display and an RFID card reader, enable the Street-Points walking and movement game to be carried out in the best possible way.
This is the web-based portal for managing the Street-Points walking and moving game. This includes the native app for iOS and Android.
The electronic devices Street-Points are attached by the game operator to the street lamps in the city districts, for example. Anyone can play: children and adults, companies, clubs, schools, parents and grandparents. The game participants get the playing cards at the distribution points or from the team leader, in particular the class teacher. These RFID cards are used to tap into the street point boxes that are scattered around the city. If you reach two Street Points boxes within a certain time, you get points. It is possible to walk several street point boxes in different order. The operator can use the portal to decide how many points a specific Street Points box results in each week. It is possible to place the street points boxes on the map via the portal, making it very easy for other players to find the boxes. As the operator, you can determine whether all devices are visible to other players on the map or whether you keep a few boxes secret, making the game even more exciting. The status of the points can be seen both on the game boxes and on our portal. You can call up the score by entering your RFID card number in our portal. No registration is necessary. The followers who register personalize their card by entering the card number in the portal. By providing contact information such as an e-mail address, it is possible for the operators to determine and award the winners with the most points or the most kilometers. Depending on the wishes of the operator, the participants can take part in the game individually or in groups. Schools, school classes, groups of young people or seniors can be optimally managed via the portal. The follower teams can be of different sizes. Our software reliably manages the statistics, such as the kilometers run by individual or all participants and the scores. Based on the statistics in the portal, you can see the average kilometer value per team or of all walking and movement game participants.
The aim of the Street-Points walking and movement game is to encourage more exercise in the fresh air and to explore the city. It is modern road safety education that is fun for children, young people and adults.
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