Device Testing

EMC Laboratory for Pre-compliance Measurements


For pre-compliance measurements during development, we have our own EMC facility. This allows us to determine whether the electronics created for the customer are EMC compliant.

The electronics and software development team is especially proud of their own GTEM cell, which enables electromagnetic compatibility testing of developed electronics in a singular, controlled, and shielded environment. The assemblies' interference radiation and interference impact on their limit values are tested. In addition, pironex has even more state-of-the-art technology. An RF generator, coupling tongs, ESD simulator, EMI test receiver, and burst/surge generator are all available in the pironex EMC laboratory.  We can set up various test scenarios using our in-house EMC laboratory equipment to test and measure the electromagnetic tolerance of electronics.

In this way, we save our clients time and money by allowing them to finish development projects on time and within budget.

In-House EMC Laboratory

The Pironex development crew has expanded its capabilities even further!

In our own in-house EMC laboratory, we can perform EMC tests swiftly and effectively. Even the A-sample is easily checked for anomalies in interference radiation, interference sensitivity, surge, burst, and ESD interference sensitivity.

With development-accompanying EMC tests, electronics development has the opportunity to identify and eliminate weaknesses in the hardware design and the embedded software before the customer incurs any unnecessary costs or delays in the development cycle.

EMC Pre-Testing for CE Certification in the Laboratory

The following tests can be undertaken by pironex:

  • Emission measurement in GTEM-cell, pre-compliance up to 3GHz, maximum test sample size: 0.41 x 0.38 x 0.31 m
  • Immunity measurement in GTEM-cell, pre-compliance up to 1 GHz, maximum specimen size for a uniform field 0.167 x 0.167 x 0.167 m
  • Immunity measurement with coupling clamp, possible depending on interface
  • ESD test up to 16 kV, theoretical full compliance
  • Burst test on supply lines and shielded data lines, pre compliance
  • Surge test on supply lines and shielded data lines, pre compliance

On request, we prepare the acceptance test at the external EMC laboratory and accompany the test on site:

  • Burst test of immunity to fast transient electrical disturbances
  • Line-based interference emission
  • Electrostatic discharge immunity test
  • Surge testing of immunity to surge voltages
  • Conducted disturbances induced by HF fields
  • Test of immunity to voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage fluctuations
  • Enclosure/housing interference radiation